
 In early 2020 REAP coordinated and planted 20,000 native trees on secure lands across Georgia. We worked with a variety of groups such as local governments, environmental non profits, water shed alliance groups, churches, DNR, wildlife biologists and  most of the colleges in Georgia. Our program was finished by mid March before the covid virus shutdown. The goal was not to replace the 18,000 acres of trees lost the year before but to offer local communities something tangible they could do that would make a positive and lasting impact on the land. It was not a tree campaign as much as it was a people campaign. People are who is destroying the plant and people need to heal it. The goal was to connect people with land and inspire them to become better stewards of the planet.  We originally did this in 1990 for the 20th anniversary of Earth Day. That year we planted 17,000 trees. That year I would plant trees with 4th and 5th graders in local schools. I would tell the children that they could come back in 30 years with their children and tell them that they planted that tree when they were 10 years old. Well that has reached fruition. The trees are for the future. Bringing people together to regenerate land is a powerful thing and one we hope to continue. We are looking into developing countries to conduct more reforestation projects and possible incorporate fruit trees which adds another dimension, that of commitment and care for the trees. The abundant winter and spring rains contributed to the trees success. Most groups reported a high success rate of the trees that were planted. Regenerating land helps regenerate communities and helps us become more connected with our environment.